The television show Countdown was on in the background of my living room a few months ago. A guest on the show was telling the studio audience a story about his 7 year old daughter. The guest told the audience his daughter said to him one day ‘I want a drink.’ He was horrified at his daughter’s lack of manners and gave her the opportunity to rephrase her request in a polite way by saying ‘have you forgotten anything?’ The daughter paused for a moment looking confused and said ‘Yeah and a biscuit.’ The audience laughed. As I watched the show I laughed. And then it hit me why I found it so funny. It’s so obvious why the guest didn’t get the response from his daughter he wanted, but the thing is, many of us do this everyday.
How old do you think this young girl will be when the penny drops about how funny this incident is or should be? Dad will certainly tell her this story at a later date, so we will see. In the meantime, I reckon this young girl will continue to do her thing with people who enjoy telepathic conversations. People say to her ‘have you got the time?’ She’ll respond yes and keep walking. So rude.
Telepathy is tiring, whilst relevance is energising. So make your words relevant to others and encourage them to do the same. This way you can provide them with a drink and biscuit on a tray when requested instead of quickly rushing out to the local shop to buy a packet of digestives for them!
I agree with your point, please share with us more good articles.
Posted by: Coach Outlet Canada | 28/04/2011 at 04:17 AM