Why do we want to work with you?
We love being around groups of people. Learning from others is fun and powerful. We realised that many people feel the same way. They like to learn through activities, have fun whilst experiencing informal or formal education and having the permission to do something bold: to be true to themselves. We think day-to-day life would be better for everyone if more people lived like this.
You may be the ‘why’ person, fascinated in how day-to-day people interact with each other. And intrigued about why people interact with you in a particular way. You have an interest in how people are; we want to feed that interest so you can do more with it, for yourself and others.
What can we do for you?
We put on events for you to feed this interest. Usually monthly. Here you play games and do activities. We do this for you to have fun. We do this for you to learn about yourself through play. And most importantly, we do this for you to leave the event feeling differently from when you came: in a good way!
We also do NLP courses for you. They help you to discover why you think and communicate in the way that you do. They help you to find out more about yourself; the good things and the stuff you’d like to change. They help you to become a bolder individual, more energetic and generally happier. They give you an insight into how people think and communicate with others. They teach you skills to help others, which helped you during the course. And they give you a recognised qualification to help you in your existing career or assist in a career change.
And we do customised seminars and workshops for you. Instead of reeling off what sort of customised services we can do for you, why not come to one of our events, hear what we’ve got to say for ourselves and see if we’re that bright spark you need?
How do we work with you?
We work with you one on one. We work with you in groups. Timescales vary from a 7-day week intensively to periodic meetings over a matter of months. One day may be all you need. Some meetings are accredited courses in groups, some aren’t. We get to understand you so we know what you want the most in a specific area of life, whether it be in your personal life or working life.
What could you do if we worked with you?
You could understand other people’s point of view more, enabling you to build stronger relationships.
You could help others to communicate in a way that has more of a positive impact amongst family, friends, colleagues, students, teachers, and clients.
You could feel confident enough to take that change in direction that has been in the back of your mind in your personal or working life.
You could help others to be more comfortable in themselves amongst family, friends, colleagues, students, teachers, and clients.
And overall you would do more of the things that make you smile, instead of mainly doing the things that other people think should make you smile!